Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dad's photo shoot

Kevin thought this was the perfect photo...until he saw the slobber!  Hanna thinks Tristan looks a little like his cousin Kelton in this shot (not because of the slobber, though!)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Aquileia, Italy

Kevin and Tristan on top of the belltower

The family in front of the Basilica in Aquileia

Basilica in Aquileia - Home to a beautiful mosaic floor

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tristan's First Haircut
March 13, 2011

Dad worked quickly while Mom distracted Tristan with singing and dancing!  Doesn't our little guy look handsome?
Tristan - 5 months - enjoying some tummy time

Trial Run!

Hi! We've decided that a blog might be the best way to share our lives with you while we live in Italy.  We want to share Tristan's progress but would like to keep access to photos and videos limited to a small audience.  We're going to try this and see how easy it is.  Here goes!